Our strategy is to become the European leader in home efficiency, the brand homeowners trust to decarbonise their homes and make them run more sustainably and efficiently.

Currently, we help our customers solve everyday problems in and around their homes, working in partnership with affinity partners and service networks. Our access to customers, product and marketing expertise and commercial relationships give us a strong platform to build from.

Home Assistance

Evolution capitalising on our existing strengths

Home Efficiency

Home Assistance

  • Best products that solve everyday problems and save water & energy in the home
  • Flexible, value-added partnerships
  • Access to more households with multi-product relationships and recurring revenues
  • Service excellence & efficiency through people, scale & technology
  • Drive profitable jobs in high volumes to our broad network of trades

Home Efficiency

  • Best products that solve everyday problems and save water & energy in the home
  • Flexible, value-added partnerships
  • Access to more households with multi-product relationships and recurring revenues
  • Service excellence & efficiency through people, scale & technology
  • Drive profitable jobs in high volumes to our broad network of trades

We are expanding our business in response to massively increased demand for home efficiency, to provide homeowners with solutions to their home energy and efficiency needs including financing and access to government grants.

We’re already on our way.